Chapter By Chapter Summary - The Blue Annals
Tibetan Texts > Specific Tibetan Text Studies > Deb Ther Sngon Po (Blue Annals) > Chapter Summary
The Blue Annals - Chapter Summaries
Blue Annals Chapter 8 Lineage Tree
- Blue Annals Chapter 1: Early Indian history, Indian and Tibetan Imperial Lines, and the Early Spread of the Buddhist Teachings in Tibet: 9 chapters.
- Blue Annals Chapter 2: The Later Spread (spyi dar) of the Buddhist Teachings in Tibet: 9 chapters.
- Blue Annals Chapter 3: The Early Translations of the Secret Mantra: 6 chapters.
- Blue Annals Chapter 4: The New Secret Mantra Traditions including the Path and its Results (lam ‘bras) Tradition: 3 chapters.
- Blue Annals Chapter 5: Atiśa and the Kadampa Traditions Descending from Him: 11 chapters.
- Blue Annals Chapter 6: The Translator Ngok Loden Sherap and the Philosophical Traditions Descending from Him: 5 chapters.
- Blue Annals Chapter 7: Exegetical Traditions of Various Tantric Systems: 6 chapters.
- Blue Annals Chapter 8: The Dakpo Kagyüpa Traditions Descending from Marpa: 23 chapters.
- Blue Annals Chapter 9: The Contemplative Traditions of Kodrakpa and Niguma: 2 chapters.
- Blue Annals Chapter 10: The Wheel of Time Tantra (Skt. Kālacakra): no separate chapters.
- Blue Annals Chapter 11: The Great Seal (Skt. Mahāmudrā) Traditions: 6 chapters.
- Blue Annals Chapter 12: The Peace-Making Lineages: 8 chapters.
- Blue Annals Chapter 13: The Cutting (gcod) Traditions and the Tradition of Kharakpa: 3 chapters.
- Blue Annals Chapter 14: The Great Compassion cycle, Adamantine Garland Tradition, and Other Minor Traditions: 12 chapters.
- Blue Annals Chapter 15: Various Monastic Traditions, Questions Concerning the Blue Annals, and the Printing of the Blue Annals: 5 chapters.