Essays and Readings on Sera Monastery
- Sera Monastery and Its Colleges
- An Introduction to Sera Monastery
- Types of Colleges and Their Mission
- The Rise and Evolution of Sera’s Colleges
- The Jé College (grwa tshang byes)
- The Mé College (grwa tshang smad)
- The Tantric College (sngags pa grwa tshang)
- The Hermitages of Sera
- An Introduction to the Hermitages of Sera
- Chupzang Nunnery (chu bzang dgon)
- Drakri Hermitage (brag ri ri khrod)
- Garu Nunnery (ga ru dgon pa)
- Jokpo Hermitage (’jog po ri khrod)
- Keutsang Hermitage (ke’u tshang ri khrod)
- Keutsang East Hermitage (ke’u tshang shar ri khrod)
- Keutsang West Hermitage (ke’u tshang nub ri khrod)
- Khardo Hermitage (mkhar do ri khrod)
- Negodong Nunnery (gnas sgo gdong dgon pa)
- Nenang Nunnery (gnas nang ri khrod)
- Pabongkha Hermitage (pha bong kha ri khrod)
- Panglung Hermitage (spang lung ri khrod)
- Purbuchok Hermitage (phur bu lcog ri khrod)
- Rakhadrak Hermitage (ra kha brag ri khrod)
- Sera Chöding Hermitage (se ra chos sdings ri khrod)
- Sera Gönpasar Hermitage (se ra dgon pa gsar ri khrod)
- Sera Utsé Hermitage (se ra dbu rtse ri khrod)
- Takten Hermitage (rtags bstan ri khrod)
- Trashi Chöling Hermitage (bkra shis chos gling ri khrod)

- Tibetan Monastic Education
- Introduction to Monastic Education
- Memorization
- The Practice of Memorization
- Tibetan Monasteries: Islands of Peace or Oceans of Noise?
- Memorization and Liturgical Discipline
- The Role of Memorization in the Curriculum
- Texts and the Curriculum
- The Commentarial Hierarchy
- Preliminary Studies
- Central Exoteric Studies
- Debate
- Procedures and Rules of Debate
- The Physicality of Tibetan Debates
- The Schedule of Debating Institutions
- Examinations and the Organization of Debate
- Final Examinations and the Title of Geshé (dge bshes)
- Final Examinations and the Title of Geshé (dge bshes)
- The Space of Sera (se ra’i khor yug)
- Introduction
- Foreign Perspectives
- Tibetan Perspectives
- Architecture
- Guide to the Map
- People at Sera
- Introduction to People at Sera
- Monks
- The Life of a Sera Monk by Geshé Rabten